Types of Memory

Apa types of memory yang anda tahu???

Saya tahu ramai ingat types of memory hanya ada 2 sahaja.  Sebelah kanan dan kiri.  Mari kira recall balik apa maksud memory.  Recall, Ability to remember, Power of recollection and Mental Retention.

Let me give you some quote
 "The true art of memory is the art of attention"
"Bad memory is associated with forgetting"

Let me tell you all that types of memory have 3


Memory that is personal to you and has to deal with your own experiences.


Memory that holds your general world knowledge.  Your knowledge of language is a category of semantic memory.  Another category is conceptual knowledge like concepts, ideas and relationships.


Memory stores the motor skills that you need to play games.  You never tend to forget them but yet find it hard to explain.  Try explaining how to drive a car, its hard but you do it.

Handle with care

Note: " I dont know why they call it heartbreak.  It feels like every other part of my body is broken too".

Saya tahu patah hati sangat menyakitkan pada seseorang terutama perempuan.  Perempuan sangat-sangat sensitif ( including me) HIHIHI. Okay..Okay, I'm serious now.  Kamu mungkin akan rasa kehilangan, marah, sedih, terpukul dan malu.  Wake up dear, dont be like this!!!! 


1. Bila terjadi sedemikian rupa, mari kita lakukan teknik relaksasi untuk meredakan sistem saraf kamu yang sedang tegang. wah, If tegang anda memang stress sangat-sangat.  Bermacam-macam teknik relaksasi anda boleh buat. Teknik yoga, berenang, jogging,urutan atau manjakan diri di SPA... SPA?? klas kau jahhh!!!!

2. Berbual dengan teman-teman.  Tak perlu la nak cerita tentang tajuk-tajuk yang hot atau sensitif.  Haaa, nanti sedih lagi susah.  Adanya teman yang setia mendengar saat kamu dalam kesusahan secara tidak langsung akan membangkitkan hormon oxytocin. 

3. Lakukan senaman aerobik. I like this.... Jangan nak berpoco-poco pula yea... Senaman ini boleh membantu untuk menghilangkan segala tekanan yang ada.  Senaman ini juga dapat mampu memaksa otak melepaskan hormon endorfin yang boleh menimbulkan perasaan gembira. =D

4. Sentiasa dekatkan diri dengan Tuhan kerana inilah ubat yang paling mujarab untuk menenangkan diri dan hati yang sedang berduka.

5.Cuba korang buat aktiviti yang baru kerana mencuba sesuatu yang baru dan menyeronokkan akan membuatkan korang lebih mudah melupakan apa yang telah berlaku kepada korang.

6. Menangislah sepuas - puasnya bila kamu terasa begitu sedih kerana menurut kajian dari University Of South Florida, 90% orang yang patah hati ini merasakan perasaannya lebih baik setelah menangis.  

7. Please leave me alone!!!! Cari waktu untuk bersendirian kerana ada kalanya apabila ada ruang untuk bersendirian korang akan lebih mengenali diri sendiri mengakui kesilapan yang dilakukan.

8. Lakukan aktiviti favourite yang korang suka.  Ini terbukti boleh merangsang kerja dopamin pada otak.  Hormon dopamin ini boleh menimbulkan rasa senang dan gembira.. Haaa, apa tunggu lagi jom. Pasang lagu nobody. cool la babe.

9. Mengambil supplement untuk menguatkan tubuh. Contohnya vitamin C, teh herba.  Badan yang sihat, hati pun sihat. =D

10. Cuba lihat pada kesusahan serta kesengsaraan orang lain bagi menimbulkan keinsafan pada diri.  Dari situ korang akan sedar betapa berat beban yang korang tanggung ada orang lain yang lebih berat beban yang dipikulnya.

The Right Environment

Holla estavian, comment allez-vous ? 

Sorry friends, this few weeks i'm busy with my bundle of assignment.  I want to share with all of you the right environment when we are reading.

Please be aware of these potential influences that can effect your reading.

The type of light and the angle of light.  You can use the natural light or incandescent bulbs.  Fluorescent light actually is blink so its better to use natural light or incandescent bulbs.

A good chair that supports the bones as one sits and also fits the legs.  Care should be taken to match the body as well.

Please do not use the left chair =D

It needs to be of coordinated height for you and the chair. It should be large enough to spread and handle your materials.

Equipment such as pens, papers, pencils, paper clips, and others should be easily available and of good quality.  These help you to write and take notes as you read.

An environment that is inviting and welcoming should be created.  Flowers, aroma, pictures and light tone helps create that situations.

Fresh air should circulate.  The temperature is better on the cool side, to keep the brain sharp.

Music with a variety of selections, usually without words.  All this rhythms get your brain inspired to the mood you desire.

The feeling of the space between and around you.  Your personal space requirements are very - very important.

Bonne nuit a tous :)

Hari Raya Aidilfitri Bersama Rakan-Rakan

Holla estavian you all,

how are you today? doing great? I have some pictures that i want to share with all of you.

A New Day

Every sunrise is the beginning of a new day.
You have been given this day to use as you will.
You can waste it or use it for good.
What you do today is important
Because you are exchanging
Every sunrise is the beginning of a new day
You have been given this day
To use as you will.

You can waste it
or use it for good.
What you do today is important
Because you are exchanging
a day of your life for it.

When tomorrow comes,
This day will be gone forever,
In its place is something
That you have left behind
Let it be something good.

Merdeka Raya 2011

Assalamualaikum semua,  macam mana dengan sambutan hari raya kalian?? sambutan kemerdekaan jangan dilupajan juga,  mesti meriahkan.  Maaflah lambat update blog disebabkan masalah kesihatan yang kurang mengizinkan untuk saya update blog.  Ini pun short update.  Minta maaf sesangat kepada rakan-rakan..

Sesi bermaaf - maafan sesama adik beradik =D

Nenek bersama cucu-cucunya

New Airlines Rules

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin serta Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke 54 kepada semua yang berada di Malaysia. Sebenarnya hanya short update about jokes kerana tak berapa sihat sepenuhnya.

New Airlines Rules

Attendant : Welcome aboard Ala Carte Air, sir.  May I see your ticket?
Passenger : Sure.
Attendant : You're in seat 12B.  That will be $5, please!
Passenger : What for?
Attendant : For telling you where to sit.
Passenger : But I already knew where to sit.
Attendant : Nevertheless, we are now charging a seat locator fee of $5.  It's the airlines new policy.
Passenger : Thats the craziest thing I ever heard.  I wont paid it.
Attendant : Sir, do you want a seat on this flight, or not?
Passenger : Yes, yes.  All right, I'll pay.  But the airline is going to hear about this.
Attendant : Thank you.  My goodness, your carry-on bag looks heavy.  Would you like me to stow it in the overhead compartment for you?
Passenger : That would be swell, thanks.
Attendant : No problem.  Up we go, and done!  That will be $10, please.
Passenger : What???
Attendant : The airline now charges $10 for carry-on assistance fee.
Passenger : This is extortion. I wont stand for it.
Attendant : Actually, you are right, you cant stand. You need to sit and fasten your seat belt.  We're about to push back from the gate. But , first I need that $10.
Passenger : No way!
Attendant : Sir, If you dont comply, I will be forced to call the air marshal.  And you really dont want me to do that. 
Passenger : Why not? Is he going to shoot me?
Attendant : No, but there's a $50 air marshall hailing fee.
Passenger : Oh, alright, here take the $10. I cant believe this.
Attendant : Thank you for your cooperation, sir.  Is there anything else I can do for you?

Its funny right?? See you soon